My Son Is Developing More Control
Easy online access to the videos and training materials, price, and top notch instruction. My son is developing more control and he is handling the ball much better. I can see his confidence increasing and I've told a few of my son's teammates' parents about the program. Love what you guys are doing. Keep the great content and excellent instruction coming.

My Favorite Feature is the Press Play Coaching Style
My biggest hesitation was my children’s commitment to completing the challenges as a team at home. The biggest feature that drove me to purchase was the possibility of winning a prize. My favorite feature thus far is the press play coaching style. I have had a great experience so far with the program, as a father watching my girls improved and be excited for each other as their skills developed was exciting! I would recommend the Gauntlet Challenge to my kid’s teammates.

So Much More Confident On The Ball!
We have a few other training programs from a different company, and I thought that it might be duplicative. Other training programs that we have purchased have been great, but some of the moves can be too advanced (my daughter is 9 years old), and I REALLY liked that it is a video that my daughter can just follow along with. Honestly, we like it all. The format of following along with Cody while he does his moves is great. Having the schedule all planned out makes it so easy. My daughter has become SO much more confident on the ball, which has in turn made her more aggressive, which has been her major area of weakness before. She is playing in a winter futsal league with her travel team, and other parents have really noticed her improvement--and this is just in a month. Yes, I would recommend it to others looking for an easy program to follow that will lead to great results.

My Favorite Feature of The Gauntlet Has Been the Accountability
Before starting the Gauntlet, one of the biggest hesitations that I had was the Facebook postings. Ultimately, I decided to sign up because Renegade Soccer Training has proven to be a benefit to my kids in the past. My Favorite feature of the Gauntlet has been the accountability along with addon challenges and the opportunity to get feedback. Plus, the short videos. As far as results, the kids feel like they have gotten much better at their skills. I highly recommend this to teammates and friends of my kids.

Training Sessions in Under 20 mins Packed with Touches
My biggest hesitation before signing up for The Gauntlet Challenge was deciding if the program would be useful, however knowing I would get my money back if I wasn’t satisfied drove me to purchase the challenge. The quick training sessions in under 20 mins packed with touches was encouraging for my daughter with her busy school and training lifestyle. In general, the increase in confidence, 1v1 skills, and ball control are the results my kid has seen from the challenge. I would recommend The Gauntlet Challenge because kids just don’t get the skills needed during training and practice time and provides a way for the kids to get extra touches.

Helped Her Figure Out How to Apply in A Game Setting
Like many, I was worried this was just another gimmick. A friend of mine strongly suggested it so we thought we would give it a try. It doesn't take a long time to do and you can see where the moves are building up on each other and how you would apply that in a game. I bought it for my nine-year-old and she has been able to keep up with it just fine. I definitely see better ball control and she knew a lot of trick moves but didn't know how to use them and this has helped her figure out how to apply them in a game setting. I would definitely recommend this to her teammates. I would also recommend it to any one that has a child that is definitely dedicated and willing to work hard towards their goals!

Kids Will Do it Completely on Their Own
We bought it because our coach held weekly off-season training sessions in his basement with the whole team, and asked all of the kids to be doing it daily on their own at home. We like that it's a short, simple, self-contained session that can be done during a homework break or right before dinner, in our living room. And it's fun enough that the kids will do it completely on their own now that they're used to it. I see a higher level of comfort on the ball from my daughter. I can watch her team play, and tell which ones have done Renegade soccer, and even pick out "Renegade moves." I coach club and high school soccer. I would, and have, recommended it to a few of the kids and parents.

I Have Seen My Son’s Athleticism Improve, And My Son Also Learned That Putting In Effort Earns Results
My biggest hesitation before signing up was deciding if The Gauntlet Challenge was value for money, but having the opportunity to win prizes and bragging rights got us to buy the challenge! Our favorite feature so far has been seeing everyone’s videos and progress which helped by son not feel so isolated while doing the challenges. I have seen my son’s athleticism improve, and my son also learned that putting in effort earns results. I would recommend this program and I speak highly of it to family and friends. We loved how interactive the program was.
Structured Training Program for my Kids in the Off Season
The value of the training compared to price was my biggest hesitation, but the benefit that made me sign up was the structured training program for my kids in the off season, the lifetime access pushed me to purchase. The add on training feature was my favorite because it was a fun switch up for the kids during their workouts. Overall, the results my kids have seen is a massive increase in their basic skills. I am unsure if I would recommend this program, the curriculum was great, but the online contest interaction was a challenge for me.

Better Ball Control As Well As Helping to Stay in Shape
I wasn’t sure if it was just another gimmick however it turned out to be great. Love the ease and clarity of using each video. Each video is easy to use... just press start and begin your practice session. Definitely better ball control as well as helping to stay in shape. I 100% recommend this to other soccer players. I bought this program for my 13 year old son. His touch on the ball has definitely improved.

It Was Easy to Get Started and Maintain A Schedule!
I was hesitant to try Evolution of Touch because I wasn't sure if it would work with my schedule, and I wasn't sure if the content it contained would be the best for my individual improvement. I bought Evolution of Touch when it was on sale after trying the free burst workout. I had tried samples of other soccer training programs, and Renegade stood out to me by far, because of how easy it was to get started and maintain a schedule. When I tried the Renegade burst workouts, I was actually enjoying them as well! My favorite feature is the progressive nature of the videos. I realized after the first few days that I didn't have down the basic moves, but after working and increasing the difficulty for 30 days, I saw major improvement. I am happy with my results from Evolution of Touch. Starting off, I was in good shape, but I scored mostly in the beginner areas for all of the ball control drills. After 30 days, I'm in better shape and I am in a lot of advanced categories, and no beginner categories, scoring pretty high even in the ones where I was intermediate. I am planning on completing the 30 days again to see how many more places I can improve! I would recommend Evolution of Touch to anyone who is serious about improving their soccer skills but is unsure of what he or she can do to get better. The progressive nature of the videos makes it easy for someone of any level to get started and to stay with the schedule for all 30 days.

We Are having Fun! Feeling Good After The Workout!
I hesitated to buy Evolution of Touch because If felt it would be just another home based workout video, specific to soccer, as the sport is increasing in popularity. I didn't want to feel "suckered". Money back is always comforting. Resisting a cool logo and tag line is tough to do! Having viewed the instructors' displaying the skill work, I quickly realized that my kids can do these workouts at home and not feel self-conscience. I workout with them as well. We are having fun! Feeling good after the workout! Knowing that it is helping my kids get balanced, coordinated, developing and fine-tuning ball touch control. As our schedule is busy, everyday is very difficult. Piano lessons, drum lessons, homework, soccer practice and games, etc. We workout with videos four days a week. But, it is happening! I can already see the difference, and they try to exceed Cody's speed. Tough to do, but they try. I already have!! Other players in my kid's club team.

A Training Program - Not Just Some Drills
At first I was worried if the program was well thought out, built with a purpose, and would we see results. At the time, my daughters skills and development were stagnant. After two weeks, I really like the fact that it's a training program - not just some drills. So far I can see her more comfortable receiving and turning with the ball. I would 100% recommend this program.

My Passes, Technical and First Touch Have Improved Noticeably!
At first I wasn't sure if I would like or if I would commit to it. I wanted to improve my passes and technical work since I moved to playing right back at about the same time I started doing Wall Work Warrior. My passes, technical and first touch have improved noticeably. I know I’m getting better in more ways than one. I would recommend it to players who I know are competitive and will use it to get better and not just an opportunity like that go to waste. Really worth my time and I also like that the company doesn’t only do it for the money and that they do it to get me better

Better Touch on The Ball... Points Out Weaknesses
More touches on the ball for my boys. I wanted something they could do in our basement. I originally bought Evolution of Touch and it was perfect for basement. Then, after getting wife's permission, I constructed a reinforced rebounding wall in the basement (with composite decking boards) so my boys could do Wall Work Warrior in the basement. Favorite feature is that we can not do this in basement. WWW and Evolution of Touch are perfect compliment to his standard team training. Better touch on ball. It also points out what weaknesses are. My boys quickly realized they needed to work on touches with non-dominant foot after first WWW drill where they needed to use both feet for touches. I would recommend Wall Work Warrior but only for players who take this seriously. An Olympic champion was asked if he enjoyed the countless hours of training that made him Olympic champion. He said, although he did not love all of the workouts, early morning training, missing social events, etc.....he LOVED competing and winning. This makes the workouts that much more worth it. Not every kid will want to commit to the supplemental training. But for those who do....Renegade Soccer is Great!

My Two Sons Have Improved Their Touch and Control Significantly!
At first I wasn't sure if it was going to be better than my own training program. However, after a recommendation from a soccer coach, I felt that I should give it a try. I loved the the constant touch on the ball. As far as results, my two sons have improved their touch and control significantly. I definitely would recommend this program to others and look forward to the other programs you all offer.

My Daughter is Growing and Maturing in Her Abilities,
I wanted to see how much of an improvement these courses would make. First the discount, but mostly, as my 10 year old made her way through evolution of touch, the difference we saw in her touch, confidence, and ability was amazing. Since completing evolution of touch, I've had parents on her team, and her coaches express how well she's doing in her position, her touch on the ball, confidence, level of play. She went from staring as one of the weakest players on her team to now being one of the strongest players on her team just in a matter of weeks. Repetitive touches, are making these movements look very natural, not forced. With Next Level Dribbling, she's continuing to gain confidence on the field and excelling in games, and against opponents. Yes, I absolutely recommend Next Level Dribbling. My daughter is growing and maturing in her abilities, at a rate that I couldn't attribute to anything but her efforts and commitment in doing this. It has proven to be successful. 10 out of 10.

I'm Better, Faster... More Decisive in 1v1 Attack!
Would it be everything it said it would? I decided to give it about after I heard the sincerity in Coach JR's voice. I love that I can warm up, work out and cool down. What else could there be? It's the total program. I'm better, faster, more and have confident touch when dribbling and a more decisive strategy to the 1v1 attack. Yes I absolutely recommend Next Level Dribbling to anyone whom is ready to become a better player. Age and ability don't matter. This work out will make you better.

He Didn't Look Nervous to Have a Defender Near Him!
I wondered, "Would the program be worth the money? Is my son ready to do the program for the full 30 days?" but I ended up loving the fact that you could press play and follow along. I really like that it was all laid out for you. We knew exactly what we were doing next. The results have been good. Last weekend my son really was able to control the ball. He was able to pick his head up and find passes. He didn't look nervous to have a defender near him. Yes, I would recommend Evolution of Touch and have already done so to a couple of parents on my son's team. Thank you!!

This Training Program Is Definitely Worth It!
I wonder at first if the videos might be hard to follow. Once I got it, I loved how they didn't waste any time. Loved the motivational talks while you workout. I noticed better ball handling, faster feet, and learned more moves. I would recommend to everyone except his teammates lol. I Love the way the whole thing is planed out. The whole system warm up, cool down, - the training definitely worth it

Showed My Son Areas He Needed to Improve
We really want to learn and master Evolution of Touch before trying Next Level Dribbling however we liked the ultimate dribbling video on YouTube. My son and I like the intro of what is coming up for the next sequence. It showed my son he has areas he needs to work on to improve. I have recommended it to the other dads on my sons soccer team.

My child is more convincing in 1v1 during her moves
We had no hesitation prior to singing up, we love fresh material! The best feature was the break down of lunging, changing the pase, and the explosion. My child is more convincing in 1v1 during her moves at practice! We would recommend this to teammates. We would love to see more videos about athleticism and off the ball movements!
Results Have Been Excellent!
My kid needed to develop a better first touch. We loved the short, compact sessions. Results have been excellent! You can clearly see the development (10 YO) from day 1 to day 30. He has been doing it with Evolution of Touch. I recommend this to anyone who needs to develop their confidence in receiving/passing would benefit from Wall Work Warrior.

I Have Been Able to See my Son’s Confidence Grow
The biggest hesitation I had before signing up was getting my child to buy into virtual training, but I heard of Renegade Soccer Training on a coaching podcast and that persuaded me to sign my son up. My favorite feature so far has been seeing others doing the same skills at different places in their soccer training development. I have been able to see my son’s confidence grow with the ball. I would recommend The Gauntlet, it was a great price and a great challenge for all ages and ability levels!

Everything Renegade thus far has Released has Been Gold
The biggest hesitation I had before singing up was that I was buying an All-Access Pass membership and didn’t want to pay for something extra that I would receive in the future. An intrinsic feature that ultimately made me sign up was that everything Renegade thus far has released has been gold, so by blind faith and my son’s birthday around the corner, we purchased. My favorite feature is the detail that went into preforming the moves, it was neat to see a neutral developmental approach with game application methods for the kids. My son is more explosive, crisper moves, and looks more confident after training with Renegade. I have and would recommend the Gauntlet Challenge to teammates and their parents within the youth league my son plays in.

His Touch is Now "Through The Toof!"
We saved it to do in the winter because the kids can't play outside in Maine. Parker does the other programs in the spring, summer and fall outside. The benefit was that he could do it in our basement. The program progresses each workout. It adds a little more each time. It forces you to react quickly and improves your touch. Yes we recommend it. His teammates would benefit from the program. 10 out of 10! Wall Work Warrior is Parker's third Renegade program that he has completed. His touch is now "through the roof!"

I Really Enjoyed the Challenges
I did not have any hesitations prior to signing up for the Gauntlet, I really enjoyed the challenges that built one each other.

My Daughters Lunging has Improved.
I did not have any hesitations before purchasing, my daughter loves Renegade and we knew it would be a fun challenge for her. We appreciated the add on challenges. My daughters lunging has improved. We recommend The Gauntlet to the other kids at her club.
He Got Better With The Ball on His Foot
My biggest hesitation in joining Renegade Soccer Training was whether my 12 year old would actually perform the drills. Knowing that he had 3 younger siblings who could also use the system made the decision a no-brainer. We chose to purchase the program due to the previous success with the other programs in the series, quality of the previous programs and the opportunity to get high volumes of useful touches at home. My son’s favorite feature so far is the variety of drills and the sequencing of the drills within the videos. He really likes the 1v1 moves at the end of the programs. While my son hasn’t completed the entire first 30 days of the program yet, he participated in a Futsal Tournament over this past weekend. He looked like he had better ball control, made 1v1 moves that he would not normally try and most importantly he got better with the ball on his foot. | I would recommend the Evolution of Touch II to any level of soccer player who is looking to develop their ball control skill as and feel more comfortable on the ball. My son really enjoys the Mastery of Touch videos and the drill progression. His comment “Well now I will be able to help my team” after he completed the first video.

My Confidence to Take on Opponents Has Improved!
Like most people, I wondered if any online training system could be effective. After reading your commentary about what is required for serious soccer players to get to the next level and that just attending practice, even if 3+ days a week, wasn't enough convinced me to try it. I love the fact that it is very easy to implement and follow. The drills are very easy to follow. I felt that my footwork was always a strength but I realize now that it was a little sloppy. Not only have my touches been better and I've added some moves to my game, my confidence to take on opponents has improved. I recommend Next Level Dribbling to any player. They can use the system at whatever their skill level is. You can always improve, 10 out of 10!

My Favorite Feature of The Gauntlet has been the Online Applications
My biggest hesitation to before signing up for the Gauntlet Challenge was consistency and keeping the kids interested. The biggest feature that ultimately made me sign up was my kids wanting to develop during lockdowns. My favorite feature of The Gauntlet has been the online applications of concepts during lockdowns and clear instructions for the kids. The results I have seen from the Gauntlet Challenge have been better thoughts for feinting and improved body control. I would recommend the Gauntlet Challenge to my kids teammates.

Better at Dribbling and Moving In Traffic!
Once I saw the sample video, I figured it would be good for my son to use. The progressive workouts that gradually build on itself, repeats concepts consistently, and portability of use is what I love the most. My son has completed 30 days in a row- has really gotten better at dribbling and moving in traffic/making a first move on the ball. I'd recommend this to self motivated kids, or kids to share workouts with parents. My 8 year old is probably a little less likely to excel with it due to motivation. My 10 year old has done great!

A Large Part of What I Have to Thank is Next Level Dribbling
I think my biggest hesitation was simply spending the money in fear that the program would be "below" my level or not advanced enough for me. I think my favorite is how it combines drills that I am already familiar with. Most of the dribbling drills that are in the program I am familiar with which is great, but they combine them in new ways that are really helpful to your dribbling and overall game. I am a small guy, and so I have always prided myself and depended on my dribbling skills. I have always tried to replicate my game to be a right footed Messi or perhaps more like Eden Hazard. Next Level Dribbling helped me realize that my dribbling skills were more along the lines of "average" (and in a couple of the drills, even beginner!) and that I needed to improve my relationship with the ball, and fast, if I wanted to excel and be the player I knew I could be. Next Level Dribbling has been great for me mainly because it has increased my confidence on the ball. I am much less nervous before matches now, and more so excited to show what I can do. I have a tryout with FC Nurnburg in Germany coming up soon, and a large part of what I have to thank is Next Level Dribbling, so thank you! I would recommend it to everyone serious about improving their game. Every soccer player needs thousands of touches a day to improve and this is a great structured way to do that.

The Biggest Feature Was the Benefit of Getting 80k Touches
I didn’t have a hesitation before signing up for the Gauntlet Challenge, I am a long-standing Renegade Soccer Training Client, and was intrigued by the qualitative assessment with this program. The biggest feature that made me choose to sign up was the benefit of getting 80k touches in a specified period of time while virtually interacting with participants. My favorite feature of the Gauntlet Challenge is the weekly assessments. The results my kids have seen are gaining confidence with their moves as well as changes in their athletic positions. I would recommend The Gauntlet Challenge to players to struggle with confidence.

A More Confident Style of Play in Practices and Matches!
My children are 9 and 10. I wasn’t sure if the program would be too advanced and would end up frustrating them. I really enjoyed the free burst workout. This gave my family an insight to how the program was structured. My girls tried it a few times, I asked if they enjoyed it and wanted to go through with the EoT. "The touches! They enjoy the building block method of starting simple and adding to it! They both thought the program was fun and are looking forward to doing it again and doing another program." "Excellent! The progress tracker showed vast improvements on every skill. We’ve also noticed a more confident style of play in practices and matches. It’s our family secret weapon! Just kidding, we recommend it to anyone that comments on our daughters’ progress." We’ve enjoyed the program and we’re looking forward to continuing to use EoT and trying other programs.

This Changed My Life
I first was hesitant to purchase Wall Work Warrior because I worried if I would get enough touches. I need to improve my first touch. I love outside right and left touch. I feel I improve every day. My team is required to do it for homework. This changed my life. I do it instead of the gym to get in the best shape ever!

Comfortable When I Pace While Dribbling The Ball
I purchased Next Level Dribbling to get better at my first touch, dribbling, passing, and general workout plan so that I no longer feel bored. I love how it's schedule. Every single day I know what I should do, variety of lessons, I have someone to practice with though the video. The videos tell me what to do and motivates me a lot. Inside outside stationary, rolling the the ball over, inside only, outside only, inside dribbling stationary ( on side left to inside right). I feel comfortable when I pace while dribbling the ball.

A Good Workout and Good Touch Work!
My biggest hesitation was that the content would be the same as I could find online for free but I'm glad that it wasn't. The description of the videos and organization of the program looked to be what I was looking for. The sessions are short and repetitive and the videos with audio coaching are clear and easily understood...beep, next drill! I wasn't able to start right away but so far the sessions are providing both a good workout and good touch work! I would recommend Evolution of Touch to anyone at any level but especially to young players who are eager to learn and love having the ball at their feet.

More Confidence, Agility and Stamina!
Originally I was worried about the price however my experience with past RST programs made me confident in my decision. Not only that but the reviews where pretty great. I love how each workout has a preview in slo-mo of the upcoming drills so that I can understand what it is I'm about to do. I def have more confidence, agility and stamina. 100% would recommend.

Would Recommend The Gauntlet to my Son’s Entire Team.
The biggest hesitation I had was whether my child would actively participate or not, I could see the value, I just needed to get my kid on board! My favorite feature has been that my son had fun while getting better, and continued to get better with evidence from his pre and post assessments. The results we have seen has been improvements in his ball handling skills. I would recommend this to any kid that wants to step up their game and improve on the field.
He Actually Improved By 20%!
My first hesitation was "Will it work?" Someone else had tried it and highly recommended the results and the outcome that came after their child had been through this program. The best things that I thought about this program was that it was measurable because it wasn't just about teaching a process but it was about measuring it and that had to do with your test at the beginning and the test at the end. So when he did the first one and he was able to do the test at the very end he actually improved by 20%. I definitely would recommend this program but not to my son's players - I want him to have the upper hand LOL!

Coaches Could See The Improvement!
Originally I wondered if my daughter would really use it and if I would make her. Her coach asked the team to buy and practice with it at home. I ended up enjoying the convenience of adding the footskill practice at home. The last time the team practiced together, both her coach and assistant coach asked if she had been doing Evolution of Touch and told her they could tell because of her improvement.

I Would Recommend this to Any Kid that Wants to Step up their Game and Improve on the Field.
The biggest hesitation I had was whether my child would actively participate or not, I could see the value, I just needed to get my kid on board! My favorite feature has been that my son had fun while getting better, and continued to get better with evidence from his pre and post assessments. The results we have seen has been improvements in his ball handling skills. I would recommend this to any kid that wants to step up their game and improve on the field.
I was eager to getting the access to the new programming
The biggest hesitation to the purchase was having the All Access Pass where eventually we would get access to The Gauntlet Challenge, but I was eager to getting the access to the new programming and my son was interested in the awards. Our favorite feature of the Gauntlet Challenge so far was seeing the videos from everyone who is participating, getting regular updates from JR, the interviews, and the live drawing at the end. I definitely recommended the program to parents of other players on my son’s team, as well as to my local soccer Facebook group.
I Can Practice These Skills Alone!
I wanted to improve the quality of my passes on the ground and improve my first touch. I like the fact that I can practice these skills alone with a wall. The progressions are good and the video streams properly. Yes, I recommend this to everyone who wants to improve.

Hit Play and Rock n' Roll
My first hesitation was if this was another "cheesy soccer video." Thankfully a friend recommend it to me. It's simple and easy. Hit play and rock n roll. It tightened up my U11 son's ball control. Parents noticed and mentioned how he seemed to be even more dominating. I've recommended this program to about 5-6 parents who's kids are in the U11 Ranger development program. It's awesome and in a few days see an improvement with coordination and ball control.

His Comfort Level With The Ball Has Increased
I first hesitated with the cost and whether or not it would be worth it. However being able to access it for life and trying some of the drills on YouTube convinced me to purchase. It's accessible and easy to do in a small space. My sons (and mine) foot skills have improved and his comfort level with the ball has increased. What seemed difficult at first has become second nature. For those of us in a Northern climate that don’t have access to indoor soccer facilities it’s great. Personally I liked to use it as part of my workout routine. As an ex-player I enjoyed getting some exercise while having the chance to get some touches in again.

You Can Do The Program Anywhere!
Would it be a program that my daughter would stick with? I got an email about a valentines sale and thought it was a great deal and the timing was also good. I really enjoyed the fact that you can do the program anywhere... I also think it’s easy to comprehend the moves being taught. Yes I definitely recommend. I’ve talked to other parents about it, as well as coaches. The customer service has been great!

The Amount of Touches We Get in One Session You Would Have to Go to at Least 3 Privates!
The videos we’ll explained and the motivation every now and then is spot on. My son's footwork is faster as well - even his weaker left foot. As with all the video training from RST, I recommend to anyone looking to move up to the next level. This is the 3rd video training we have done with RST and the amount of touches we get in one session you would have to go to at least 3 privates.

Starting to Get Far More Confident With The Ball!
My kids are only six, so their young age was my biggest hesitation. The videos are easy to follow and the instruction is great. The consistency of the moves that are being taught. The repetition of the moves and drills throughout the sessions allows my kids to learn them. They've been fantastic. Even though my kids are only 6 they are starting to get far more confident with the ball and are starting to use what they learn in live games. Absolutely recommend!